Då tar man fram sina väl undanstoppade verktyg, tex. den lilla yxan och sätter upp verkstad i hörnet med bra ljus.
Then one takes out the well tucked away tools, eg. the small ax and set up workshop in the corner with the good light.
Then one takes out the well tucked away tools, eg. the small ax and set up workshop in the corner with the good light.
14st naturvuxna krokar, varav tre i form av Frej.
14 pcs of naturally grown hooks, three of which in the form of Frey.
14 pcs of naturally grown hooks, three of which in the form of Frey.
Det gäller att hålla det enkelt, enhandstving och drillborr och en plankebit så man inte borrar i pallen.
It is all about keeping it simple, one-hand clamp, a drill, and a piece of plank so you wont drill in the stool.
Provexemplar på möjlig örhängesdisplay till museibutik.
Test of possible earring display to the museum store.
Test of possible earring display to the museum store.