Vid ankomst fredagkväll hälsade oss månen välkomna.
At arrival friday night, the moon greeted us welcome.
At arrival friday night, the moon greeted us welcome.
Under lördagen traskade denna välklädda figur runt på marknaden, det visade sig vara Eva I. Andersson som höll ett intressant föredrag om mode under medeltiden. (bilden tagen på långt avstånd i den stora mörka hörsalen...)
During saturday this welldressed figure walked around at the market, it was Eva I. Andersson that held a very interesting lecture about medieval fashions. (the picture is taken in a long distans in the great and dark auditorium...)
During saturday this welldressed figure walked around at the market, it was Eva I. Andersson that held a very interesting lecture about medieval fashions. (the picture is taken in a long distans in the great and dark auditorium...)
Kort berättande om en frisyr under medeltiden, kort och spännande, hoppas på mer nästa år.
There were some short telling about a medieval hairdo, short and interesting so I hope for more next year.
There were some short telling about a medieval hairdo, short and interesting so I hope for more next year.
Linjentene deltog och förmedlade sina kunskaper om lin; odling, beredning, spinning, vävning, färgning, skötsel mm.
Linjentene (the linen girls) participated and shared their knowledge about linen; growing, preparation, spinning, weaving, dyeing, maintenance etc.
Linjentene (the linen girls) participated and shared their knowledge about linen; growing, preparation, spinning, weaving, dyeing, maintenance etc.
Skönt häng framför domkyrkoruinen.
Beautiful hanging in front of the cathedral ruin.
Beautiful hanging in front of the cathedral ruin.
TRIX fantastiska show på lördagkväll.
TRIX wonderful show during saturday night.
TRIX wonderful show during saturday night.
Festen varade tills det började ljusna och liiite till.
The party went on until sunrise, and then some.
The party went on until sunrise, and then some.
Tack för i år, vi ses igen nästa sommar.
Thank you for this year, see you again next summer.
Thank you for this year, see you again next summer.
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